I hope you don't mind if I post your awesome Spanish lesson for all to see. Thanks so much! This is great!
Hola preciosa !
(it's not the right translation... but... i think you can translate this by yourself ;)
Sorry to write by email, but maybe the course will be a bit large to post it.
Ok, the phrase Blake has written will be very useful in case you drink a lot of tequila... it means something like: "please, no more tequila!!!... I'm going to die (morir)" and in Mexico, trust me, the national sport is drinking tequila :D
I'm sure people speak english in the hotel you go, but, if you want to adapt yourself in the mexican way of life, you have to know some expressions: (maybe you'll have problems with pronunciation... but... try to do your best ;)
Me llamo Jessica = My name is Jessica
¿Como éstas? = How are you?
Encantado de conocerte = Nice to meet you
¿Qué hora es? = what time is it?
Usted habla muy rápido = You speak so fast !
¿Puede repetir, por favor? = could you repeat please?
In the morning (at the hotel)
You already know:
Buenos días = good morning
¿Donde está el restaurante del hotel? = Where is the hotel's restaurant?
Me gustaría desayunar = I would like to have breakfast
Tostadas = toast
Café = coffee
Leche = milk
Zumo = juice
Zumo de naranja = Orange Juice
Mermelada / Confitura = marmalade
Fresa = strawberry
Melocoton = peach
(I'm sure you used to breakfast completely different than me :$)
In the street / Tourist Mode
¿Podría ayudarnos? = Could you help us?
Taxi !!!! = similar ;)
Queríamos ir a XXXXX = We would like to go to XXXXXXXXX (some address or monument)
¿Cuanto vale? = How much it cost?
Es mucho !! = It's too much !!!
Un poco menos = a little bit less
¿Podría hacernos una foto? = Could you take us a photo?
Lunch time
(Spanish and mexican food are very very different, but, I know the basic mexican food (i think you too)):
When you go to a restaurant:
Querríamos comer = we would like to eat something
Quiero un burrito (or some other typical thing) = I want ......
Burrito, quesadillas, guacamole, nachos (mmhhh), tacos (similar to burritos), enchilada,
http://www.mexconnect.com/mex_/recipes/foodindex.htmlQueremos beber cerveza típica mejicana = we want to drink mexican typical beer
Cerveza Coronita , Cerveza SOL, etc...
Puede indicarme donde está el servicio / aseo? = Could you say me where is the toilet?
In the night
¿Donde está la discoteca del hotel? = Where is the hotel disco?
¿Podría decirnos una zona de fiesta? = Could you tell us where is the party area? (I'm not sure in the translation :$)
At the disco:
Quiero un tequila = I want one tequila
I don't know very well the typical drinks in mexico, "tepache" (ananas based drink), "Agua de Jamaica" (very refreshing)... "midori royal",
and of course "Mojito", "Martini", Piña Colada, Margarita, Daiquiri, Caipirinha, etc...
To some mexican guy / girl:
Eres muy guapo = you're so cute ! (I'm not sure if you can say "cute" to a boy... is it correct?)
Somos de canada / de Ontario = we are from Canada / from Ontario
Tengo 22 años = i'm 22 years old (note to Iosmal - I don't know how to say 22 in Spanish!!) ;)
Tienes los ojos más bonitos que he visto en mi vida = You have the most wonderful eyes I've seen in all my life ! (Note to Iosmal: hahahaha)
Venimos de viaje de fin de estudios = it's our final studies travel (¿?¿?¿?... do you understand the meaning? :$)
¿Qué habitación tienes? = What's your room number... (anybody knows.... )
If you are interested in some other things to say to a mexican guy/girl, just ask ! :D
Some corrections:
Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinCo.= OKBuenos dias, buenAs noches. = OKnegro, roJo, verde, azul. = OKnachos, quesAdillas, guacamole. ;) = :Dariba, la vanca loca! ====> Viva la VIDA loca !!! Not la vanca !!!! Vanca doesn't exist... but vaca, it's cow !!! (Note to Iosmal: Ahh, vaca. That's what I meant!)
In Mexico there are some expression that are completely different than Spanish:
Paaanna!! = oh my god !
Chinga tu madre = similar than "fuck you!" (Note to Iosmal: looks like something to do with your mother..?)
(i'll try to talk with a mexican friend to improve this first lesson ;))
Well, I think it could be the first step in the wonderful world of the Spanish / Mexican language... if you have some question you think are important... just write me and I'll try to help you.
Besos = Kisses !