Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Obsessed I is

Only a few days ago I wrote that I'm enjoying the summer and feel like taking my time getting to Korea. Since then I've rekindled my I-want-to-go-now flame.

Did you know I can read Hangul? That's right. I am now Korean literate. Since I have no class on Wednesdays I bought myself a Korean-English dictionary and hit the streets. The streets of little-Korea, that is. Armed with my dictionary and my reading skills I translated store signs, probably looking like a freak standing in the middle of the sidewalk on Yonge St. (where few people actually WALK) squinting up at a Korean sign and flipping through my dictionary. It was fairly productive. Then I froze almost to death and had to get a hot chocolate. What kind of May is this?? There was a group of Korean girls next to me who were talking a mile a minute and I couldn't make out a single word they said.

Then I went to the mall and bought a Canada Day t-shirt.

I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go. I needa contract. Blake or Kiran, wanna be my manager and find me a good contract? I'll buy you a bag of kimchi...


At May 05, 2005 6:44 a.m. , Blogger Kiran said...

just keep don't wanna rush into a contract and get a bad school...three months into your time there you'll be wishing you were drinking starbucks back on yonge...a good contract will come soon...mmmm gimchi!

At May 05, 2005 3:47 p.m. , Blogger larrykim said...

why would anyone want to go to korea?

At May 05, 2005 10:19 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

Yes, yes, good advice. I won't rush into anything. Anyway, I haven't seen any good contracts yet.

I don't know, Larry. I just don't know.

At May 06, 2005 12:55 a.m. , Blogger Blake said...

I could always ask around...


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