Thursday, May 19, 2005

You can call me Jessita

Hey hey hey. I'm excited about Mexico. Korea? What? Where?

I went into a Korean grocery store the other day and couldn't understand a thing. Yikes. I bought some cookie snack things that were very delicious. They were in the same aisle as the pepporo.

The trouble with spending time in the city is all the tempting and delicious food that abounds. Our class has turned Friday's into "going out for lunch days" so last week we had roti and tomorrow we're having Thai. Then, for a special Tuesday dinner (whoah, pushing the social level up a notch from classmates to dinnermates) we're going for Pakistani cuisine. I have no idea what that will be like but I'm looking forward to it. And yesterday Jordana introduced me to an all-you-can-eat sushi place that not only has sushi but chicken and spring rolls and all kinds of other delicious things for only ten bucks. We ate all we could eat, that's for sure.

Is it possible to lose fifteen pounds in one week? I think I'll have to leave my bikini at home this year. :( Nachos and tacos here we come!

Iosmal is going to teach me all the necessary Spanish that I will need in my one week stay on an all-inclusive. I already know hola and cerveza. What else is there??

Eight more days!

I still have no contract for Korea. Damn Footprints.


At May 19, 2005 11:25 p.m. , Blogger Blake said...

If one recruiter isn't working, try try another. Seriously.

Yo = I
Tu = You
Lo/La = It
El = He
Ella (pronounced "eya") = She
Nosostros = We
Ellan = They
Usted = It/he/she in polite form
Ustedes = They in polite form

Learn some verbs and fool around with the endings and you've pretty much got basic Spanish down.

At May 20, 2005 8:02 a.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

I emailed Canadians with Seoul on Sunday and they stillhaven't gotten back to me. What the hell?

Nosostros? What the heck? They should have stuck with Nous.

At May 20, 2005 10:55 p.m. , Blogger Blake said...

E-mail them again and remind them that you're alive. Heck, e-mail more recruiters too!

At May 22, 2005 10:02 a.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

I will. I have. Ever hear of Canadian Connections?


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