Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Jeju-do confirmed!

On October 1st through 3rd I will be soaking up the rays and checking out the volcanic rock (amongst other things) in Korea's one and only tropical location. And since it won't technically be summer anymore, none of the Koreans will actually be swimming in the water, so I'm told. I'm excited! I'm also looking into the possibility of going to China for a long weekend in September.

"What are you doing this weekend??"
"Oh, just going to China."

I hope that works out. The idea is that while I'm here I will make the most of it, so any long weekends that come my way will be incorporated into that idea. Lucky for me, ALL the major holidays this year happen to fall on weekends. Damn the man. But three days will have to do.

Today was the most beautiful day in all my days here, I think, even though I spent most of it inside. Here's proof:

And if that's not enough:

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day...

Look at all those little grey shacks. I live in one just like that. How do I find my way home each day?

Guess I'll go eat some more carbs. I have one month and ten days to get hot for the beach. Plenty of time...


At August 23, 2005 7:27 a.m. , Blogger Shells Bells said...

Hey Jess...look at you the little traveler!!! I'm sorry to hear about your friend's dad :( that is terrible news....Sorry about the mix up Saturday...I would love to come this Fri if ur up for it!!! TTUL


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