Monday, November 14, 2005

Made in Tibet

Here is my new box. It's a deeper orange than it appears here. It's a treasure chest without treasure.

So I went to the show Nanta yesterday. We had pretty decent seats which set us back 50,000 won a piece (about fifty american bones). The show was a medley of things, mostly rhythmic chopping of vegetables. I particularly enjoyed the flying cabbag-ee. Sara was selected as an audience volunteer and got to wear a thoroughly embarassing outfit on stage. When she thought she was in the clear they posted her picture on a large screen that all could enjoy for at least a minute or two. Ha ha.

Classes were fine today.

Graduate school applications are due on February 1st so I have begun the process. I have to get my references in order, write a statement of interest, make sure I have enough sealed transcripts and anything else I need. Last week I felt like I had no idea what I really want to do. This week I feel more confident about my decisions.


At November 14, 2005 11:33 a.m. , Blogger greyguitar said...

I always feel so overwhelmed when I read your posts. As in, I get overwhelmed because you are getting to do SO much cool stuff. I'm impressed!

Good luck with the apps. Good thing you're starting early!

At November 14, 2005 6:17 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

Wow, thanks a lot Rob! That's very cool for me to hear. What was overwhelming this time, though? The box? The vegetables? :)

Hey, how do you write a statement of interest?

At November 15, 2005 2:14 p.m. , Blogger greyguitar said...

Hmm..statement of interest. WELL, since I wrote so many (ha) all I can say is sound like an over-achiever but don't make yourself sound TOO good, you know? Explain why you are interested in whatever it is and then mention your background so it qualifies why you are interested. From there, you should be good to go. Just don't write a narrative.

OR, you could just print your blog as your statement! ha.

At November 15, 2005 6:24 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

Aww, I love narratives. Thanks!


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