Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Insert expletives here

The newest request:

Hi Jessica,

my name is Ryuta and I am in your sociology 1A06 tutorial 11. I asked Dr.Shaffir if I can get an extension for the project which is due this Friday and I was informed to ask my TA individually. If I won't be able to meet the due date, is this possible to get an extension? If so when and where can I hand it in?

Thank you for your time,


Dear Ryuta,

Go fuck yourself.


Jessica the Destroyer


At March 01, 2005 11:17 p.m. , Blogger larrykim said...


can i have an extension on writing a comment to this blog entry. i am a bit sick today and i think i may be having some female problems. as you know, i want to leave you the best comment possible because you deserve only the best comments. anyway, if it is possible for you to give me a comment extension, i would really appreciate it.

thank you for your time,
and you my girl, jessica,


At March 01, 2005 11:20 p.m. , Blogger greyguitar said...


"If I won't be able to meet the due date.."

wait, why else would the person be asking for an extension? will they or will they not be able to meet the deadline?? haha.

At March 01, 2005 11:27 p.m. , Blogger p.p. said...

I hate fucktards. I say fail them all.

Oh, hi, by the way. First time visitor.

At March 01, 2005 11:47 p.m. , Blogger Blake said...

If you actually wrote that to Ryuta, then you really are Jessica the Destroyer and I'll promise to love you long time if I see you in Korea. I will even scream "Jessica the Destroyer" in my best Conan (Arrrrrnold) voice while loving you long time while holding up a broadsword.

At March 02, 2005 9:36 a.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

You guys really crack me up.

Larry, you cannot have an extension dammit. YOu have been well aware of the comment requirement when you signed up for this course so you either comment or fail, ya bastard.

Rob, I know!! What the hell?? If you don't meet the due date how about you suck it up and take the 2% deducation a day, you destined-to-fail-university freak.

Hi Peter, welcome to my site. I just checked out yours and it turns out I'm the girl from you. Six feet tall and Jewish. Wow.

Then again, you might have to fight off Blake who is promising to love me long time. That sounds compelling.

At March 02, 2005 12:37 p.m. , Blogger p.p. said...

Six feet tall AND Jewish? Oh. My. God.

At March 02, 2005 3:35 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

I know, it takes most people's breath away. By the way, my site is called "On My Way" after two songs that reflected my mood when thinking of a title, not "On My Own" though I did spend hours as a young girl pretending to be poor, lonely Eponine. I'll be sure to return the favour once I'm sure that I like your blog. ;)

At March 03, 2005 10:14 a.m. , Blogger p.p. said...

Sorry about that. I'm not quite sure where "own" came from. The patch over my right eye sometimes causes me problems. All is fixed...

Waiting with bated breath for the link... haha. Seriously, not a big deal. I link to people initially, and if I don’t like them after a couple of weeks, I remove them. ;)

At March 03, 2005 11:16 a.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

I've been having some problems with either my internet connection or my template or something. When I tried to add you to my links section I lost all my text. It happened the other day when I was adding the others. And then it happened again yesterday when I didn't touch my html coding at all! So I'm stumped. And nervous to try adding anything for a little while.


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