Thursday, July 28, 2005

At Kansai Airport

I came to the airport pretty early because there was nothing left for me to do in the sweltering Osaka heat.  Now I am way to early for my flight and they didn:t understand my request to see if there was an earlier flight I could jump on.  This airport computer is messed. My flight should take off at four this afternoon so I will arrive in Korea at five thirty and then the bus takes about two hours to get into Suji.  I actually look forward to being in a place where I can understand things somewhat.  At least I know how to say please and thank you.  

I just ate lunch at a Chinese restaurant here in the airport and men were slurping soup all around me.  I:m grouchy.


At July 28, 2005 11:45 p.m. , Blogger Blake said...

Maybe this would've helped BEFORE you went to Japan, but here it is anyway:

Thanks = Domo
Thank you = Domo arigato Mr. Roboto
Thank you very much = Domo arigato gazaimasu
on agashi masu = many extreme thank yous for teaching me something great, oh person of much greater status than me

Hello = Konichiwa (usually afternoon)
Goodbye = sayonara

Yes = Hai!
No = ee

I understand = So desu (ka)
I don't understand = So desu ka (with a high pitch at the end)
What??? = Nani (with a high pitch at the end)

desa = to be
ka = ? (added to the end of a sentence if it's a question. The same thing is done in high Korean)

I find that speaking and understanding Japanese is a lot easier than Korean. Korean is a lot easier to read.

At July 30, 2005 1:48 a.m. , Blogger Shells Bells said...

Japan looks awsome!! and it looks like you found some cute boys too!!! Gimme a call if you guys wanna bounce up to Seoul next weekend...perhaps Saturday am we could go to immigration? Cheers :)

At July 30, 2005 8:35 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

Thanks blake, that'll surely come in handy NEXT time I go to Japan. You're so well versed in languages, buddy. FIrst Spanish now Japanese? Amazing!!

Hey Shelly! Yeah! We'll be int ouch. I may just have a hello kitty something or other with your name on it... ;)

At July 30, 2005 8:35 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

Thanks blake, that'll surely come in handy NEXT time I go to Japan. You're so well versed in languages, buddy. FIrst Spanish now Japanese? Amazing!!

Hey Shelly! Yeah! We'll be int ouch. I may just have a hello kitty something or other with your name on it... ;)


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