Friday, April 15, 2005

Oh, the places you'll go

The end is near. The apartment is looking barren. The cable and phone companies have been contacted. The moving truck ordered. And here I have to study for my last exam. I'm finding it rather difficult to concentrate.

Tomorrow morning I write my final exam of my degree. Then I hurry home to help load everything into the truck. I really hate moving. Carrying heavy things up and down elevators after having woken up at the crack of dawn to get to my 9:00 exam is not my idea of a good time. Then we'll probably take our helpers out for lunch before heading back to Toronto. Back to the parent's house. Two months of parental co-habitation and then I'm set free; to live in a cramped apartment in a cramped city of millions.

Freedom, I await you!

Last night I helped celebrate a friend's birthday. Her well-traveled cousin was there and with his "spent-too-much-time-in-Ireland" accent laced with an Canadian East coast twang, he declared that Asia is "shit". Why, I wondered? According to him it's dirty and crowded and "shit". That's all he could say. When pressed, he said that for the most part, travelling as an English speaker is pretty good because everyone can speak a little English no matter where you go. But going to Asia is like "going to the fuckin' moon". Everything is different. Awww, poor you. So they don't cater to your every English speaking desire? That definitely warrants the "shit" description. Anyway, forget him.

Freedom, I await you!

For now I have to get to work and finish reading about sexual disorders for my abnormal psych exam. Did you know that according to my textbook, 24% of women have experienced failure to achieve an orgasm, and as many as 10% of women have never experienced an orgasm at all?

Orgasm, I await you! ;)


At April 16, 2005 2:22 a.m. , Blogger Blake said...

OK, I'm here now.

At April 16, 2005 6:14 a.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

Ha. ha ha ha ha.

At April 16, 2005 5:02 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh jessie.... you'll orgazzzmmm i swear! well, i can't really do it for you, but someone will!

p.s it's pretty good. dang good.

At April 16, 2005 6:16 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

Who are you, annonymous?? Let me guess...


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