Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Move

The move is complete. But U-Haul seriously does blow. So like I wrote yesterday, we had ordered our truck for the morning. It was supposed to be ready for pick up by 10:00am (not 9:00am like I had thought) and they were to call us the day before to let us know which location would have a truck for us. They didn’t call so we called yesterday morning and they said a truck would only be ready for 1:00. At 1:00 Rick and Carina went to pick up the truck only to find out that it was broken down and they would have to drive some far distance to another location to get a working truck. They got back to the apartment at 2:30. We had intended to start packing up at 11:30.

Then there was someone else using the back door so we couldn’t actually start moving until 3:30. I was not very pleased with the whole situation. I like to do things as soon as I’m ready to do them, and roadblocks piss me off but luckily it passed with the help of pizza and D’Arcy. Thanks so much to Carina and D’Arcy who made moving out much easier than it could have been. D’Arcy said “that’s what friends are for.” That really touched me.

We drove into Toronto at 7:30pm and the unloading went much faster. On the unloading end I have Wendy and Matt to thank. Wend, you could have lost a toe for me, but I guess that’s what friends are for. Sorry our plans for a fun night fell through. :(

There’s this website called Show Me Your Wound that describes injuries that people have suffered and shows graphic, nasty pictures. One I saw was of a toenail that had been ripped from a girl’s toe when she was moving a treadmill from one level in her house to another. Ugh. It’s incredibly disgusting, but it was on my mind as we were moving and I made sure to wear shoes the whole time. Until later that night when I was trying to set up my room and I dropped a full shelf on my toe. Now I have a small cut and a spreading bruise. Nothing to send to Show Me Your Wound, thankfully.

So home sweet home. So far so good; there’s more than just oatmeal and stale tortillas to eat. And the internet is no longer broken down like it had been since we got home, so that’s good. Our stuff is still everywhere but that will be cleaned up soon. And tomorrow morning I leave for Montreal.

I really can’t believe school is done. Feels pretty good.


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