Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Perks

Spent the afternoon reading "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". I can understand why people love it so much.

The more and more I come across this type of... what should I call it... media, I guess, the more skeptical I become. I like the thoughtfulness and the way Charlie ponders life. He reads all these great books like the Cather in the Rye, Walden, and the Great Gatsby, and listens to all this great music. The author makes sure to list everything by title and author/artist and I'm left a little irritated. All of this stuff is so seemingly unique at first but becomes more and more obvious and put on as time goes on.

We sit around trying to have intellectual conversations but it's all the same bullshit. Even Sam's idea in Garden State of having an original moment is unoriginal because so many people complain about feeling unoriginal already. We come across these thoughtful movies, books, and songs and take meaning out of them as if we're the most perceptive and feeling person around. I suppose I should only speak for myself.

Sometimes it feels like the world is consumed with superficiality and I am among the few that can see it. Then I realize how many people are thinking beyond the surface and wonder if maybe I'm the superficial one.


At February 20, 2005 7:03 p.m. , Blogger larrykim said...

i personally think that i am the most superficial person that has ever lived... but then i think just recognizing that makes me less superficial than some... i think it's our natural to be superficial and also deep thinking... because we are after all... imperfect human beings and always will be...

At February 20, 2005 8:32 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

Oh, by the way, I mean you in the general 'you' sense. Not you, larrykim.


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