Thursday, January 27, 2005

One year

One year ago today my heart suffered its most painful crack to date. One year! I have never had such a salient marker that would show me how fast time passes by. I can remember all the details of last year's today. The waiting, the telephone call, the decision. The blankness, the overwhelming desire to sleep, the feeling of extreme loss. Over this one year I was very sad. That sadness became something else that I cannot name and then slipped into happiness, probably sometime in Israel. Today, one year later, I am happier with myself than ever before. Not to say that things in my life are overly exciting and stimulating, but I feel as though the struggle to regain happiness forced me to come to a better understanding of who I am, what I want and need, and how I intend to live my life. So that's that.

It is truly incredible that this year is over. I spoke to him on the phone last night at midnight, merely as a coincidence. Happy anniversary, I called when I answered my phone at 12:00 exactly. What gift is traditional for this special landmark?


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