Tuesday, January 25, 2005

What was I thinking?

Just spent the last four hours practicing my self-presentation as an intelligent undergraduate student successfully keeping up with the big cats in a PhD stats course. Bah! I understand nothing! I don't remember ever learning so many letters representing numbers in regards to statistical inference. My prof doesn't crack a smile and keeps up with a monotone lecture the entire class. How can this be?!?! Luckily, it appears that my fellow classmates struggle just as hard to maintain an appearance of wakefulness.

I'm sick and my nose is dripping constantly. I have a kleenex box with me.

Just one more class for my hellish day and I can go home and catch up on the lost sleep from last night, when it felt like I lay awake from 1:30 until 5:00 or so.

I'm know I promised that this would be a Korea related blog, but so far there are limited Korea related events occuring in my life. I'll get to it in due time.


At January 26, 2005 9:01 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

Thanks for the kindness Rick. I went grocery shopping and replaced the borrowed box o' KD and got you some milk. No bread though... gotta watch those carbs! Ha ha ha ha.


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