Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Breathe... and then get a drink.

I just came out of the most stressful testing situation of my life.

As a rule, I generally like to be prepared before tests. In previous statistics classes this hasn't been a problem. I do all the exercises at the back of the book, make sure I can do them, and voila! An easy test.

Today I sat down to my statistics midterm having heard the ... statistics... People generally do very well, the TA's and professor are there to help you through it, it's open book. No problem, right?

The test began at 1:00 and was to last until 3:00. I stared at the first question for about twenty minutes before calling over the TA. I finally finished it about an hour and fifteen minutes into the three hours. And I had three more questions to go.

It was BRUTAL. I can't begin to describe the feeling! I felt the pressure of time and the pressure of having no idea what the question was asking me. This pressure multiplied by the log odds of the probability of the effect of pressure equals me dying inside. And wanting a stiff drink tonight. Hell, right now.


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