Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Fate at its finest

Do you believe in fate? Check out this timeline (excerpted from an email to a good friend AKA Wendy, and see if your answer changes.

And in a moment of true fate, my three year stalkee/TA/graduate student/guy I wouldn't be interested in if he weren't a grad student ran into me while we were both walking to (the same class). We talked,we joked, I tell you, love is on the horizon. Really, we're meant tobe and here is why (dates will be approximate) -

Thursday September 9th 2002: I feast my eyes on all his red-headed glory as he is the TA for my Developmental Psychology class.

Thursday April 12th 2003: After saying goodbye to new boyfriend Michael at bus station in Toronto, ex-TA walks on the bus and I say "hello, you were my TA, did you know? etc. etc."

Monday January 3rd 2004: Ahh, there he is again, my TA for Social Psychology.

Throughout the semester: He lectures, he's funny, he looks at me from his seat across the room, I swear!

Tuesday March 3rd: He asks me (me!) to hand out sheets to the class. Love, I tell you!

Wednesday March 11th: He lectures about personal attraction. I email him, remind him of our encounters, and ask if he needs a TA for his summer course that he is teaching. He responds, no he doesn't need aTA, but how was his lecture? I comment on his level of attractiveness.

Randomly since then: at the bar, on the street at night, walking to school during the day, at the bar again, in the summer in the psych building where we greet each other with familiarity.

Saturday December 18th 2004: At Quarter's, I see him, remind him again of our encounters, and we chat for a second until some girl comes andtakes him away (damn!), later in the night I pass him and eye contact is made. I say "aren't you a little old to be here?" He replies "just trying to pick up the younger chicks" I ask "how's that going" He says "not so well" I wish him luck and am on my way.

January 4th 2005: I notice he is the part time TA for my last psychology class - abnormal psychology. He won't be coming to class.

Two weeks ago: I am trotting along to class in the cold, eyes and nose dripping, face tired from four hours straight of statistics, when"Angels singing" there he is. He stops, I walk towards him. He asks"hey, where are you going?" I say "to the class that you are a TA for". We exchange about five minutes of perfect bliss as we walk to class together. He gets into class and looks around a little overwhelmed by the size. I offer him a seat with me. He says he better sit with the other TAs. They sit in a row in front of me without him, and he is stuck sitting all alone. Burn.

Tonight: Love, I tell you, love.


At February 01, 2005 7:49 p.m. , Blogger larrykim said...

holy cow.... wow, i hope it works out for me. can't wait to hear more about love tonight love...

i know i said i wasn't going to visit you blog for a week, but i had nothing better to do.. haha

At February 01, 2005 9:57 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

Glad you're back, larry ol' pal. We missed you over here. And Wendy... what the heck could you possibly be talking about? I have no idea about that.

No love blossomed tonight, folks, but he did sit closer to me than usual. Too bad all I could see was his head and his downy-red arm hair.


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