Tuesday, February 01, 2005

almost there...

Kicked butt on the art midterm. Well, at least I remembered all of the titles, artists, and dates. Hopefully the content was good too. Art history exams are brutal though... writing, writing, writing according to the prof's timing of the slide presentation.

Stats lecture was actually comprehensible. My prof cracked a joke today: Different slopes for different folks. HAHAHA. We laughed whole-heartedly. It's the only joke we've seen in weeks... like an oasis in an otherwise tumble-weedy desert.

Next up: abnormal psych. The prof is funny but teaches next to nothing in the two and a half hour class. Then again my non-boyfriend is the TA. That's a post in itself so I'll be sure to recreate the timeline of our love for you kind readers sometime soon. Or maybe immediately after I post this.

I found five chocolate covered raisins in my pocket just now. They were tasty.

D'Arcy donated bone marrow for some experiment so now she's $200 richer. Anything for a buck, eh lady? Let me know what money making scheme you're up to next!


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