Thursday, February 03, 2005

What in the world is up with this strange lady? She walks with her mittens up and down the main drag to school, getting in the way of all the students that are trying not to drench their shoes and stain their pants with salt. Which reminds me. Why is Hamilton too cheap to have those little sidewalk plough cars? Instead, people are expected to shovel the piece of sidewalk in front of their house. Of course the students don't shovel their sidewalk piece, and the entire thing turns into a sheet of ice after all the feet trample down the knee high snow. And this lady isn't helping! She's always walking up and down, up and down. Sloooww as can be. Who is she?!


At February 07, 2005 8:42 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

If only I had known...



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