Thursday, February 03, 2005

Stars are out tonight

Walking over to band I ran into him, my TA fake-boyfriend! I'm almost positive he lives in either my building or the building beside mine. You see, he was crossing Main St. right where I always cross, and there are no other buildings around us or in practical walking distance. And I've seen him around these parts on other occassions. Wow! I'll have to do some investigative work.

I was trudging along with trumpet in hand, huge hood on, and ipod blaring, so I smiled and nodded, perhaps made some sound, and I'm pretty sure he said hello or something of the sort.

It wasn't exactly a confession of love, but it was close enough. My heart raced. My palms sweat(ed?). Well, one did because I have lost my other mitten. My heart really did race. Funny since I don't ACTUALLY like the guy. Now my ears burn. Maybe he's talking about me.

Gotta finish planning my tutorials. BAhh! I hate Thursdays!


At February 03, 2005 9:04 p.m. , Blogger larrykim said...

hey, you want to borrow my night vision goggle? i think you are gonna need it. i have a roll of duck tape you can have too. ha! you are a nut!

At February 03, 2005 10:32 p.m. , Blogger Jessica said...

Tell me about it, Wendelina! Do you have a test tomorrow? Is that why you're posting?? hehe.


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